Monday, May 01, 2006

Jesus was American

Jesus was an American.
Or well, would be if he lived now.

He was chosen to be the son of God. As Christianity makes always so much sense, we would just have to assume he would be a Jew in this life as in the past one. He couldn't however have been born in Israel, since that is abroad and there are too many terrorists abroad, especially in the Middle East. And if he would be or would have been from the middle East, he would hardly look or have looked like Jesus either. Like how big chances are there that a man born in Middle East would look like Jesus that we all know from all the traditional religious paintings (looking like a Dutch or Danish woman with a beard)?

So Jesus would be, or would have had to be, naturally, an American. New York or New Jersey would be the most likely places for him to be from, since those areas are so full of Jews.

And besides, how anti-American of the God it would be to have a non-American Jesus anyway?


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